Guatemala – Single Origin Coffee


Flavor Notes: Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Plum

Guatemala - Single Origin Coffee "Los Huipiles SHB"

  • Body: Heavy
  • Acidity: Mild
  • Process: Washed
Huehuetenango farms sit high in the mountains ranging from 5,000 – 6,500 feet (2,000masl). This renowned region owes much to the dry, hot winds that come in from the mountains of Mexico’s Tehuantepec plain. The additional heat layers protect Huehuetenango from frost and enable coffee to grow at dizzying heights. The fact that Huehuetenango farms are so high up and remote means that producers must often set up their own micro-mills. Fortunately, Huehuetenango is also blessed with numerous rivers that facilitate washed-process coffee.
The Huipiles regional blend is a showcase that encapsulates the rich, complex flavors signature of the Huehuetenango Department. Many small communities coexist here, each with its own traditions that are reflected in its huipil design, a traditional garment with multiple panels stitched together. Each embroidered pattern is geography-specific, and the complexities of these designs are represented in the Huipiles regional blend. In the cup, a medium body with medium acidity is highlighted by sweet and aromatic notes of milk chocolate, vanilla, brown spices, pear, and pecan.
A Strictly Hard Bean (SHB) coffee grows at altitudes of 1,200 meters above sea level or higher. When coffee cherries grow at high altitudes, they tend to mature more slowly. This allows the fruit to take in more nutrients, resulting in denser, sweeter green coffee beans that are considered higher quality.



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