Brewing methods

A Guide To Brewing The Perfect Cup

Brew Methods



Recomended Measurements: 20g coffee : 300g water ( 10.5 oz)
Grind: Medium – Coarse
Filter: Chemex Filters

  • Bring enough water to just below a boil (~200° F / ~93° C ) in order to brew the coffee and pre-heat the Chemex.
  • Weight out 20 grams of coffee and grind it medium.
  • Pour hot water generously around the paper filter, eliminating any paper taste and pre-heating the Chemex, then throw the water out – you only want brewed coffee in your final drink.
  • Pour just enough water to saturate the grounds evenly (about 40 grams) and rest for 30 seconds or however long it takes for the bloom to discontinue.
  • Start timer immediately for a 4 minute steep.
  • Pour the remaining water continuously and evenly onto the grounds and in a circular fashion, moving inward and outward within the circle to push the grounds toward the walls. The coffee level should rise just above the grounds.
  • Take care to not pour the water directly on to the filter at any point and try to maintain a constant volume of water throughout the entire process.
  • After the coffee has drained into the Chemex, typically around 4 minutes, you should be able to see consistent walls of grounds with an even bed toward the bottom of the filter.
  • Trash the filter. The grounds can be used to fertilize your garden.
  • Pour, enjoy.



  • Using a kettle, bring 16 ounces of filtered water to a boil. Remove from heat for about one minute.
  • While your water is boiling, measure 2.5 rounded tablespoons (about 15 – 17 grams) of whole bean coffee and grind to a medium fine consistency, or until it appears to be about the size of beach sand.
  • Pour 8 ounces of the pre-heated water into bottom chamber of the Moka pot and insert the filter basket. Use some of the remaining hot water pre-heat your mug.
  • Pour the fresh ground coffee into the filter basket. If needed, use your finger to level off the coffee in line with the edge of the filter basket. There is no need to tamp the coffee.
  • Connect the top and bottom chambers of the Moka Pot, being sure to use an oven mitt or dish towel when handling the hot water filled bottom chamber!
  • Place the brewer on the stovetop under medium low heat. Try to avoid placing the handle directly over the burner. The top lid should remain open.
  • After about one minute or so you will see a steady stream of rich dark coffee percolate through the brew straw
  • When the coffee stream slows and the pot starts to make a hissing sound, remove the pot from heat and pour directly into your empty pre-heated mug.
  • Enjoy as is or dilute with hot water to achieve your desired strength.


  • Warm your drip machine and carafe by running one brewing cycle with just water (no coffee or filter inserted). This will prime the heating coils in your brewer, allowing it to reach ideal brewing temperature of between 195º – 205º for your brew
  • While the machine is warming, measure 2 rounded tablespoons of coffee (about 14 grams) for every 6 ounces of coffee that you would like to brew
  • Grind coffee to a medium consistency, or until it appears to be about the size of beach sand.
  • Place a properly sized coffee filter into the brew basket and pour the ground coffee into the filter. Gently tap the side of the basket to disperse the coffee evenly in the brew filter.
  • Using filtered water, fill the coffee brewer’s reservoir to the desired level – remembering to use a ratio of 6 ounces of water for every 2 tablespoons (14 grams) of coffee.
  • Start the brewing process, wait for the full cycle to complete, and sneak in a few belly rubs to pass the time!
  • Fill your favorite mug, grab a spot on the couch with your pup, and enjoy 15 minutes of peace and quiet before the day begins!


  • Heat filtered water until it reaches a boil and then remove from heat for 30-45 seconds, allowing the water to reach the ideal temperature of 205 degrees.
  • Measure 2 rounded tablespoons of whole bean coffee for every 6 ounces of water used in brewing.
  • While water is heating, coarsely grind coffee so it appears to be the same size as coarse sea salt.
  • Add ground coffee into the empty French Press.
  • Slowly pour enough of the water to cover grounds and let soak for 20 seconds, stir with chop stick to allow even water contact.
  • Pour in the remaining water and place the lid on your French Press (Do not plunge! I know that it is tempting!)
  • Let the Press brew for 4-5 more minutes.
  • Then, plunge the French Press, pour into your mug, and enjoy that first sip.


The Hario V60 is a cone-shaped dripper with spiraled ridges along the inside walls. These ridges keep the paper filter from attaching to the walls which encourages a smooth extraction at the bottom of the cone. The act of brewing coffee with a V60 requires some practice and isn’t as forgiving as some other brew methods, but the result is very rewarding.

Measurements: 20g coffee, 300g water ( 10.5 oz)
Grind: Medium
Filter: Hario V60 or Melitta #4

  1. Bring enough water to just below a boil (~200° F / ~93° C ) in order to brew the coffee and pre-heat the V60 / decanter.
  2. Weight out 20 grams of coffee and grind it medium.
  3. Place the V60 and filter on top of the decanter of your choice.
  4. Pour some hot water around the paper filter, eliminating any paper taste and pre-heating the V60 and the decanter, then throw the water out – you only want brewed coffee in your final drink.
  5. Place the coffee grounds into the V60 filter and give it a shake for even distribution.
  6. Pour just enough water to saturate the grounds evenly (about 30 grams) and rest for 30 seconds or however long it takes for the bloom to discontinue.
  7. Pour the remaining water continuously and evenly onto the grounds and in a circular fashion, moving inward and outward within the circle. The coffee level should rise just above the grounds. Finish the pouring by 1:40.
  8. Be careful not the pour the water directly on to the filter at any point and try to maintain a constant volume of water throughout the entire process.
  9. After the coffee has drained into the decanter by 2:30, you should be able to see consistent walls of grounds with an even bed toward the bottom of the cone.
  10. Trash the filter with grounds, give the V60 a quick rinse, enjoy.


The Clever Coffee Dripper is an immersion brewer, but is very similar to a pour over cone. Unlike a french press and more similar to a cone, a paper filter is used and the coffee drains from the bottom. The Clever Coffee Dripper has a stopper at the bottom of the brewer which holds all the water until pressed upward when the dripper is set on top of a mug or server, releasing the finished product. The Clever Coffee Dripper brew method is simple to use, quick to clean, and easy to get a consistently good cup.


  • Measurements: 20g coffee, 300g water ( 10.5 oz)
  • Grind: Medium – Coarse
  • Filter: Melitta #4
  1. Bring enough water to just below a boil (~200° F / ~93° C ) in order to brew the coffee and pre-heat the Clever.
  2. Weight out 20 grams of coffee and grind it coarsely.
  3. Pour some hot water into the Clever to heat it up and rinse the filter, then drain it out.
  4. Place the grounds into the Clever and pour 300 grams of water in evenly, saturating all of the grounds.
  5. Start timer immediately for a 2:30 minute steep
  6. After one minute, submerge grounds floating at the top into the water and stir well.
  7. At 2:30, begin draining by placing the Clever Dripper on top of a mug or server. The stopper will open and the coffee will drain into the container.
  8. Very clever.


The Aeropress brewer is one of the brew methods widely accepted area of specialty coffee. Its portable and durable which makes it perfect for travel. Its design allows it to produce excellent coffee. The Aeropress is an immersion brewer that uses a pressing motion, but is quite a bit different than the French Press. This brewer is relatively quick and simple to clean. The finished cup is rich and clean, free of sediment unless you use a metal filter.

Measurements: 17g coffee, 250g water ( 8.8 oz)

Grind: Medium – Fine

Filter: Aeropress Filters, S Disk Filter

Method: Inverted – The Aeropress will be brewed with the filter cap facing upwards and the plunger already attached on the bottom

  • Bring enough water to just below a boil (~200° F / ~93° C ) in order to brew the coffee and pre-heat the Aeropress.
  • Place the filter in the filter cap and preheat it by pouring a couple grams of hot water over it. Then pour a few grams into the Aeropress to preheat it as well.
  • Weigh out 17 grams of coffee and grind it medium. After you throw out the preheat water, place the grounds into the Aeropress.
  • Pour right at 50 grams of water, saturating all the grounds evenly, and rest for 40 seconds to allow for bloom. The grounds will soak up the water, which will you allow you to pour more water in and brew more coffee overall.
  • After 40 seconds have passed, pour the remaining 200 grams of water in slowly and evenly so that all the grounds continue to be fully saturated and agitated as you pour.
  • After a total of 1:30 has passed, place the cap on the Aeropress and flip the device over and onto a mug and shake the Aeropress slightly.
  • Begin pressing slowly. Too fast, and the bitterness in the grounds will be released. 30 seconds of pressure is ideal.
  • Once you hear air being forced through the filter turn the Aeropress back over.
  • Trash the filter and grounds, then rinse off the equipment.
